ZPE of the GIZ project ‘Macroeconomic Reforms - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Growth’ in Vietnam. The project cooperates with the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance as well as the State Bank, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Social Affairs to strengthen the coherence of economic policy. Social and environmental sustainability aspects take centre stage. The project is funded by BMZ and the EU. (2024/2025; GIZ, TL, with Nguyễn K. Thanh; Vietnam).
Development of a compliance training design and onboarding of future trainers: Target group of the training are GIZ contact persons for low-threshold access to grievance mechanism in the project countries who receive complaints about corruption, SEAH and ethical misconduct. (AiZ; TL: D. Cohn, 2024)
Advisor on Cross Cutting Issues – integration of Gender Equality/Equity and HIV prevention into approaches, strategic/operational planning and RoM of GIZ Programms, e.g. Economic Development, Good Governance, Gov. of Natural Resources, Education & TVET, Climate Change, Transboundary Water Management. Staff training, network with inter-/national stakeholders; Sexual Harassment prevention, gender-sensitive language, equal access to resources; manuals for (remote) HCD trainings. Mozambique 2015-2024
CPE of the GIZ project “Sustainable Development Goals Initiative II” in Namibia. The project supports the capacities of state institutions in particular for national planning, resource mobilisation and monitoring in the context of the Agenda 2030 goals. Namibia, remote (TL; w/ O. Mutumba; 2023/2024)
5-day digital trainings with each 14 to 30 GIZ employees and experts on “commission management” (project management), on setting up, implementing, procedures and methods of development projects in partner countries; in particular on public development cooperation, its legitimacy and partnership requirements. (AiZ; 2022-2024)
Training and coaching of local consultants from various sectors to support GIZ projects as advisors for gender equality. Algeria (2023/2024)
Monitoring study on the usefulness of AiZ‘s departure preparation training courses for expatriates from various development cooperation organisations. The focus was on recommendations for the modularisation of the courses and the mix of digital and face-to-face training. 43 semi-standardised remote interviews, analysis and report (summary) for communication to the commissioning party BMZ and for further development. (w/ D. Cohn; 2022/2023, remote)
Mapping of gender-transformative approaches in GIZ good governance and urbanisation projects: Standardised online survey of around 40 programmes and projects as well as qualitative individual interviews on the implementation of gender equality in good governance, decentralisation and urban planning projects. The aim is to record good practice for institutional learning and make it available to the sector departments. (2023, remote)
Support for the evaluation “Capacity Development of ‘Bread for the World’s’ partner organisations”: virtual focus groups and multilingual standardised surveys of local service providers and consultants in African countries and Brazil. These advise “Brot für die Welt” partner organisations on applying for, monitoring and accounting for various projects. (2023, BfdW / TL: Impulse, w/ EOP)
Fact finding for the selection of suitable personnel instruments and advisory approaches; interviews with and selection of local partners such as social and municipal administrations, decentralised governments, interministerial advisory councils, NGOs, private companies in the field of decentralisation of public services, land management and spatial planning as well as vocational training institutions/TVET. Senegal (2022)
Advice on the integrated consideration of gender equality and human rights in the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. Co-development of a good practice guide “Applying a Human Rights and Gender Equality Lens to the OECD Evaluation Criteria” for evaluators and evaluation managers. The aim is to allow each of the six OECD/DAC criteria to be operationalised in such a way that human rights and gender equality are taken into account; (TL: I. Worm; 2022/2023, remote)
Evaluation (CPE) of the “Creating employment through export promotion” project. It aimed to strengthen business development organisations to support micro and small business in agricultural, ICT and manufacturing sectors to boost exports to the EU. The focus is on rural sectors, manufacturing and ICT services as well as the innovation fund established by the Kosovan Ministry of Innovation. The aim is to generate new jobs and income, including for marginalised groups. Kosovo TL; w/T.Purrini; 2021/2022
Evaluation of the Centre for German and European Studies (CDEA, which aims for interdisciplinary academic exchange with other DAAD supported centres worldwide and with universities in Germany. Under the umbrella of Globalization, Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity and focussing on legal studies it provides access to 22 graduate courses, a master course and to mobility scholarships. It also conducts conferences and promotes academic literature. Focus Group Discussions and Interviews with about 50 stakeholders from the academic, political and cultural sector incl. researchers and students. Brazil.TL; 2022
Research & Advice on Future of Work: data collection and analysis on the future of the labour market in Jordan. Analysis of driving sectors and forecast until the 2030th with regard to future markets, skills demands and decent work conditions. Therefore online survey with thousands of businesses as well as Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant Interviews with universities, training institutions, NGOs, chambers and other business development organisations. Germany remote and Jordan TL; 2022
Evaluation (CPE) of the GIZ Universal Health Coverage (UHC) sector program. The project advises the BMZ on international processes regarding UHC. It also advises state stakeholder in partner countries and has an active role in the German Epidemic Preparedness Team (including Covid-19) and the P4H-network. It is also WHO’s official collaboration centre for Health Systems Strengthening and Health Financing for UHC. Germany and remote. TL: E.Tezcan; 2020/2021
Standardised online survey with Frontline Health workers in rural and coastal areas of Guyana. The survey, which was also accessible via mobile devices, was part of the study “Preparing Essential Health Services Packages for Primary Health Care in Guyana” Guyana/remote TL: E.Tezcan; 2021
Advice and support for the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) on Human Rights based Evaluation approaches in (German) Development Cooperation. Analysis of Human Rights related evaluations and frameworks of the most relevant Development Agencies and review of current worldwide scientific research. Concept development for Human Rights based/oriented evaluation and its communication. (Literature Review, links, Video); TL: I.Worm; 2020-2023
Several participatory Trainings for GIZ Gender Focal Persons (FP). Introduction to the international frameworks, European and German gender concepts and action plans and to GIZ’s Safeguards+Gender process. Identification of practical tasks of the FP for development projects in several sectors. Methodologies for planning, indicator definition and monitoring. Individual advice for selected projects. Approaches of gender responsive HR management and Sexual Harassment prevention. Virtual Trainings for FP in Algeria/Tunisia, Palestinian territories and worldwide, in-place trainings in Mauritania, Niger, DRC, Côte d’Ivoire, Jordan. TL w/D.Cohn, I.Worm, 2019-2024
Evaluation (CPE) of the “Internship Programme of the German Business for the Western Balkans”: the joint initiative of the German Eastern Business Association (OAOEV), the GIZ and the BMZ (in Serbia also with the Zoran Djindjic Foundation) follows an educational and transnational approach contributing to confidence-building between Western Balkans and EU and employability. Two online surveys, Focus Group and (remote) in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the Countries of the Western Balkan. 2019/2020
Gender analyses and support to the GIZ’s Safeguards+Gender process for several projects: “Promotion of employment-intensive export activities…” in Tunisia – “E4D: Sustainable Development in Africa” linking vocational training and economic development – EnDev and the „Green People’s Energy Project“ – advice to a Agenda2030/Good Financial Governance Initiative and to the global “BackUp Health” program in Mozambique. Data research and cooperation with local researchers, partially participating in (remote) interviews with state and non-state stakeholders. 2019/2020
Support to Monitoring and evaluation of GIZ’s programme “Hospital Partnerships – Partners Strengthen Health”: data collection advisor and qualitative data collection, remote interviews with partners in Europe, Africa and Asia. TL: J. Koy, 2019/2020
Evaluation (CPE) of the „Sectoral Programme – 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“. The evaluation focus is on the GIZ’s support to the BMZ national and international processes regarding the Agenda 2030. The evaluation also sets an eye on pilot projects and mainstreaming of the SDG principals in development cooperation. The evaluation applies GIZ’s reformed procedure including for example Contribution Analyses. TL: I. Worm; 2019
Evaluation of the ENSA programme “Entwicklungspolitischer Schulaustausch” aiming for school partnerships to strengthen Global Learning and Sustainable Education. Evaluation of the needs of German school teachers in order to promote sustainable school partnerships with the Global South (OECD/DAC countries).
TL, w/ M. Rudolph, F. Seitlinger; 2019
Deutsche Welle Akademie Mid-Term- and Final Evaluation of the program “Beyond Radicalisation: Youth in Lebanon Speak Up!”, funded by EU and AA. The program aims to contribute to Peace Building and conflict prevention. Therefore, it strengthens civic and political participation by enhancing youth’s capacities in Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in Lebanon, by applying a cascading ToT-approach. 2017 & 2019
Final documentation/report of Health Focus’ six years’ workplace programme with the Mozambican education ministry and its provincial and district delegation since 2013. Development of the report; identification and presentation of lessons learnt (PDF). 2019
Misereor Evaluation of CEPAD’s KKN project, which aims to strengthen transparency and governance mechanisms and to raise awareness among civil society against corruption, collusion and nepotism in East-Timor. Therefore the project promotes a multi-stakeholder dialogue between government and civil society and informs about the Freedom of Information Act. Timor-Leste TL, w/ T.K. Oey; 2018
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Assessment of partner organizations and institutions of two GIZ programs “Urban Management and Climate Change induced Domestic Migration” and “Energy Efficiency and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy” in Bangladesh. Recommendations for program approaches and for the placement of international integrated experts. 2018
ICON Evaluation of
’s “Helmut Schmidt”-Scholarship Program (HSP). The AA-funded PPGG-program provides scholarships to students from selected OECD/DAC-countries. It aims to enable future leaders to contribute to democratic development; and for the internationalisation of German universities. Quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect experiences of 700 international students, universities’ staff and other stakeholders. TL; 2017/2018
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Support to the monitoring of the regional program “Sports for Development” in Mozambique: Adaption of the monitoring and evaluation forms and the interview guidelines according with local needs and skills. Pre-test application and support to the S4D project team during the field phase. Conduct data analyses and reporting. Mozambique 2018+2019
Health Focus Support to the ESA regional programm´s support package on SRH: Strengthening the access of youths to information and services on reproductive health. Documentation of Good Practices from civil society and public services; recommendations for the improvement of the national monitoring mechanism and for the strategy development process of the multisectoral Mozambican Youth Initiative PGB. w/ A.Floriano, J.Matsinhe; 2017/2018
GIZ Implementation of the first joint KAPB survey with about 2,000 GIZ employees in 10 sub-Saharan African countries. The multilingual online survey provides a baseline and monitoring data for perceptions and attitudes towards gender and LGBTI, inclusion of people living with disabilities and/or with HIV and general well-being. 2017/2018, w/ J. Lorey-Wagner
Misereor Evaluation of the first joint Lenten Campaign during the fasting period of the Brazilian CFE (by CONIC) and the German FA (by MISEREOR). The campaign focused on the mutual responsibility for rights and justice. The objectives of the evaluation are to gather conclusions for future joint campaigns. (TL: S.Höck) 2016
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Micro Evaluation. Final report of a program, which aims to strengthen transparency and Good Governance in the extractive sector in Mozambique. The BMZ and DFAT financed project focussed on HCD, the EITI process and enabled communities for local political and civic participation. 2016/2017
Health Focus, Potsdam Planning, evaluation of communication approaches for an HIV workplace programme for the education sector; participative development of educational communication strategy and IEC; training manuals for HIV Focal Points and of Health Technicians. (→www.ponto-focal-mz.org). 2013-2017
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Fact Finding Mission for the launch of a Health System Strengthening Program in Sierra Leone. The program aims to strengthen the inter-ministerial Board of Nursery and Midwifery, Schools of Midwifery and the National Commission of People with Disabilities to strengthen access to and quality of maternal and child health services. Sierra Leone 2016
ADPP Final Evaluation of ADPP‘s CHAPANI project on nutrition and health/HIV prevention in fishery communities in Nacala (.mz). CHAPANI aimed to strengthen the capacity of ±30.000 people to achieve healthier/varied household diets and Behaviour Change. The 3-year-project was/is complementary to ProPesca IDPPE,
financed by EU/IFAD for boosting the fishing productivity. 2015
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit PEV – Final Evaluation of the EU financed HIV Program. The program aimed to implement and support the decentralization of public governance structures for the coordination of Civil Society (NGO/CBO), Public and Private Sector in the area of HIV prevention and mitigation. (TL: A.Q.Souza) 2016
Health Focus, Potsdam Advice and recommendations for implementation and sustainability of the Work-Place-Programme in the Mozambican Education Sector. Moderation of a stakeholder workshop, e.g. with ministries of education, health, public service. 2015
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Disaster Risk Management: Recommendations on improvement of information sharing mechanism between information providers, decision-makers and end-users for flood alerts and warnings;
based on a multi-level stakeholder workshop. 2015
Misereor, Analysis, review, recommendations and summery of ±47 evaluations from the year 2014 for the Annual Evaluation Report 2014 and new editorial presentation concept. 2014/2015
Engagement Global: Team Leader of the evaluation of the Host City Programme for sustainable urban development by cooperation between Brasilian and German municipalities during the preparation of the 2014 FIFA World Cup (TL, with S.Neymeyer, S.Höck / EOP-Evaluation, M.Pinheiro). 2014/2015
Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen Team Leader of two evaluations of
community based health projects (sanitation, HIV etc.) on provincial level and of a project on institutional development of the Mozambican Red Cross’ First Aid Department. (w/ S. Ferreira). 2013
Heifer International, Armenia: Participative Planning (concept) of sustainability of a network of youth clubs on extracurricular education, political participation, business development; 2013.
Integrated Advisor Development Service
Long Term Advisor 2009-…
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (and Development Service), integrated advisor and project management multisectoral HIV project; sector monitoring system, manuals, training, on-the-job-coaching Long Term Advisor …-2013
IEC – Training Manuals, Print and Online for GIZ and Health Focus; MINEDH, MISAU, CNCS - on Health Awareness, HIV Prevention; systematic PME; quality guidelines on “Good Communication”.
Regional Experience in: Armenia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Timor-Leste, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Niger, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia, (Ukraine, France, Portugal).
direct link: Reference.CoResult.eu