
Gender Equality

Integração de Género

nos Programas – troca de informações para os Pontos Focais de Género da GIZ em Moçambique1)

Gender Banner 2021

Programas no Mês de Género – Março 2021

Género e Calamidades

:!: Gender and (post-) Disaster :!:

2019: para Sofala, Cabo Delgado e Tete,
2020: Gender and Corona/Covid-19…

Titulo titleFonte, Língua
source, lang.
Covid19 (©wikipedia) GIZ with SADC Secretariat (Gender Unit) 2020: Portugues :!: : Os efeitos da Covid-19 na questões de Violência baseada em género (VBG)2) & Français: „Les effets de Covid-19 sur la VBG3) & English: Effects of COVID19 on GBV4) 5/2020, GIZ, EN, FR, PT
Raparigas: Agentes de Mudança na Resposta à COVID-19 – Raparigas e mulheres jovens são agentes de mudança na resposta ao COVID-19 em Moçambique
Covid19 (©wikipedia) European Institute for Gender Equality: Covid-19 and gender-based violence: Has the pandemic taught us anything? 6/2020, EIGE, EN
Covid19 (©wikipedia) Nações Únidas Brasil 2020: Violência de gênero e COVID-19: “Quando nos calamos, permitimos que esses crimes se multipliquem” & Words from women’s organizations: Supporting survivors of violence during the pandemic 4/2020+, UNWOMEN, EN
Covid19 (©wikipedia) :!: UNWOMEN 2020: ONUmulheres – COVID-19; Checklist for COVID-19 response by UN Women Deputy Executive Director Åsa Regnér & Words from women’s organizations: Supporting survivors of violence during the pandemic
EN: COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters
ES: La pandemia en la sombra: violencia contra las mujeres durante el confinamiento
4-11/2020+, UNWOMEN, EN
Covid19 (©wikipedia) GIZ (internal): :!: for GIZ users onlyCovid-19 and Gender – Ressources & Movie “The effects of COVID-19 on gender-based violence (GBV)5) 4/2020+, GIZ, EN
Recovery: UNDP Gender and Recovery Toolkit 4/2020+, UNDP, EN
Covid19 (©wikipedia) Worldbank :!: Gender and COVID-19 (Coronavirus): …there is a risk that gender gaps could widen during and after the pandemic and that gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment and voice and agency, built over the past decades, could be reversed.…“ 4/2020+, WB, EN
UNWOMEN 2016: Crisis response and recovery „During crises, such as conflict or disasters, women often endure extreme hardships, such as increased violence and insecurity, restricted mobility and additional care, domestic and livelihood responsibilities.“ UNWOMEN, EN
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (2019): 2018-2019 Mozambique Humanitarian Response Plan (November 2018 - June 2019) & UN (2009): Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive & „Women, Gender Equality and Climate ChangeUN,EN
Action against Hunger / UKAID (2018): Women's Leadership in Disaster Preparedness (PDF): „Women leaders at grassroots level are seen to play three unique roles during disasters: first, they often have social networks that can be used to improve preparedness and response. Second, women’s caregiving responsibilities equip them with the ability to identify the most vulnerable groups in their communities and to know what their needs are. And third, there are examples of women holding local and traditional forms of knowledge that are considered to be crucial to preparedness.“UKAID…, EN
Mais informações / Good Practices, Experiences and evidences from many organizations: Gender & Disaster Network and GDN - MozambiqueGDNonline, EN
UN (2009): Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive UN, EN
UNDP (2003), Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery: Gender and Disasters: „Not only is the percentage of women and girls who die higher in these countries, but the incidence of gender-based violence – including rape, human trafficking and domestic abuse — is also known to increase exponentially during and after disasters. Most disasters place an undue burden on women and girls who are responsible for unpaid work such as providing care, water and food for households. Yet, the same destructive forces of disasters also create opportunities for women as agents of change. Disasters can also provide an opportunity to redress gender disparities. For example, during the recovery period following a disaster, longstanding biases against women can be challenged by programmes that are sensitive to their needs and that involve them as equal partners in recovery work.“ UNDP, EN
UNICEF: Gender and emergencies: „Existing gender inequalities may be exacerbated while changing gender roles in times of crises can also create new or additional disparities. … Social norms, discriminatory practices in registration and lack of information regarding benefits can contribute to gender inequality in the course of aid distribution. Experience … has shown that humanitarian interventions that radically alter gender roles in emergencies through, for example, giving women greater control over food distribution, may lead to unexpected negative consequences, including increased gender-based violence.“ UNICEF, EN
Bridge - Development / Gender: Five reasons why gender matters for migrants' rights and “Gender and MigrationBridge, UKAID, EN
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, EU et. al: Disaster Recovery Guidance Series – Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Disaster Recovery EU, EN
Eurpean Union: Gender PDNA Guidelines, Volume B: Cross-Cutting Sector → p. 23: „Assessment of Disaster Impact“ EU, EN
Covid19 (©wikipedia) USAID: A Gendered Approach to Technology Use for COVID-19 Response  USAID, EN
WHO (2018): Gender, health and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development OMS, EN

Actores & Contactos

contacts Stakeholder & Contacts

Titulo titleobs lang/date
:!: Lista de ONGs de Género em Moçambique - Gender Organizations MZ
:!: Membros da Liga de ONGs em Moçambique - Gender Organizations MZ
:!:Mapeamento de ONGs em Moçambique incluindo Associações de Género e seus contactos; realizado pela Delegação da UE (Mapping)
List of international Gender Consultants
Moçambique: Ministério do Género, Criança e Acção Social (MGCAS)3/2017 não disponível
Conselho Nacional de Acção Social e Mulher - Gender Council (CNAM)
Fórum Mulher
Organização da Mulher Moçambicana (OMM)
Justa Paz“ - Centro de Estudo e Transformação de Conflitos, Matola; inclue Género e Governação
Femme Moçambique - Empresárias Mocambicanas 3/2017 Server offline
Organisação “Women and Law in Southern Africa” (WLSA)tem muitos estudos disponível
Organisação “Homens para Mudança” (HOPEM) vs. PDF. HOPEM é membro da rede MenEngage
Associação Moçambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Família (AMODEFA)…e na Facebook
Association for Rural Women and Development (AMRU)
Association of Mozambican Professional and Business Women (ACTIVA)
Associação Moçambicana para Mulheres Chefes de Familia (AMOCHEFA)
Organisação Lambda Moçambique, the Association for Sexual Minority Rights in Mozambique; LGBT rights
(Base de dados sobre organisações da sociedade civil…… - Moçambique FAO, PT

Fontes, Recursos & Data

Estudos Género Data Sources

Titulo titleFonte, Data, Língua
source, lang/date
GIZ: Gender and Development Ideias, Abordagens, datas e prioridades relativo a Igaldade de Género no DesenvolvimentoGIZ, EN
AWARE Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit organisation, co-founded in 2014 by Camille Morineau, art historian and specialist in the history of women artists. Its goal is the creation, indexation and distribution of information on women artists of the 20th century.AWARE, EN/FR
IAWM International Association of Women's Museum – Database of real and virtual women's museums all over the world, incl. Africa.IAWM, EN
Objectivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável → ODS 5: Género PT
Partnership for Prevention: „This Resource Hub serves practitioners, policymakers, researchers and activists who are committed to prevent violence against women and girls in Southern Africa. It compiles learnings from the PfP programme and its partners. Resources are curated by PfP and can take the format of e.g. learning or policy briefs, short or full reports, journal articles, tools and multimedia.“ - Escudos e pesquisas EN
WDI World Development Indicators (incl. Gender) - many financial data from the World Bank Group crossed with social data; Smartphone Apps (e.g. Gender, Health), Introdução, Estatisticas, Ranking, Report; +Financial InclusionWorld Bank, EN
Gender and Energy WB gender collaboration group Worldbank, EN
Gender Inequality Index (GII) & Overview all countries UNDP, EN
The Global Gender Gap Report, World Economic Forum World Economic Forum, 2016…, EN
Interparliamentary Union - IPU: Youths, Women in Governments and Parliaments and more publications 2008-2019+, EN, FR
Social Institutions and Gender Index OECD, EN
„Achieving gender equality requires quality, policy-relevant data on women and girls. Without it, we cannot make informed decisions, and we cannot track if those decisions are improving lives.“: "Data2x" – Genderdata Data2x
UN Women - Publications EN
European Institute for Gender Equality: Gender Statistics Database
Wiki-Gender: Mozambique EN
African Development Bank Group – Open Data Africa (Socio-Economic Data): Mozambique EN
UNECA - Gender & Statistics: Overview & Areas of Action; 2016 GENDER SCORECARD: WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN AFRICA WHERE DOES THE CONTINENT STAND? 2016…, EN
Genero dados e a evidências relevantes para o debate sobre equidade de gênero (no Brasil) PT
FAIR SHARE MONITOR 2020+ em Fair Share of Women Leaders – The women leadership ranking of civil society organisations 2020+, EN
Estatisticas de Género em Moçambique” - Dados estatísticos recolhido pela ONUmulheres com o Ministério de Género, Criança e Acção Social (MGCAS) (selecção) MGCAS, UNwomen,PT
The UN Practitioners’ Portal on Human Rights Based Approach to Programming – Gender UN/HRBA, 2015, EN
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN: Gender and Land Rights Database, Regularly-updated country profiles / Base de dados sobre leis, estratégias, organisações da sociedade civil, estatisticas… - Moçambique FAO, EN, PT
Rede de Género no sul da África: Genderlinks EN / PT
Comissão Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos: Human Rights Commission EN (FR, PT)
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA: Quota Project EN
Good Practice Collection: Focus InternationalEN
Portal para a PT
GenderKompetenzZentrum“ - Gender Research → 2010; Gender Queer HU, DE
Links: USAID websites related to gender USAID; EN
LGBTI: UN LGBT expert welcomes safe environment, but calls for social inclusion; Moçambique: Especialista Independente das Nações Unidas reconhece ambiente seguro, mas pede inclusão social (Worddoc) OHCHR, EN/PT, 2018
LGBTI e disriminação: Equaldex - LGBTI rights in Mozambique Equaldex, EN
LGBTI The other canaries in the coal mines - An analysis of spaces for LGBTI activism in Mozambique (PDF)EN, 2017
LGBTI - Lambda Moçambique: Recommendations for Mozambique Lambda/Ilga, 2016, EN
Museus de Género ou feministas - no mundo: IAWM – The International Association of Women’s Museums (na wikipedia) DE/EN

Estudos & Boas Practicas

Estudos Género Research & Good Practices

Titulo titleFonte, Data, Língua
source, lang/date
OECD, Over the Rainbow? The Road to LGBTI Inclusion, OECD Publishing, Paris, (Book) 2020, EN/FR
OECD DAC NETWORK ON GENDER EQUALITY: Aid Focussed on Gender Equalityand Women’s Empowerment:A snapshot of current funding and trends over time in support ofthe implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, OECD Gender (OECD GENDERNET) • 2020
Avogados sem Fronteiras (Canada): „Impacto dos conflitos armados na vida das mulheres e raparigas em Moçambique - Relatório da Pesquisa de Campo nas Províncias de Nampula, Zambézia, Sofala e Gaza; 2018/2019 2019, PT
Presença de Mulheres em lugares de decisão em Moçambique nos anos 2014 e 2018 segundo o Jornal „A Verdade“ 2019, PT
ProMundo Vários estudos sobre Equidade de Gênero e Masculinidade & Paternidade em África, Brasil e Meio Oriente 2019, PT, (FR)
:!: Equal Measures 2030 (EM2030) SDG Gender Index – „The 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index includes 51 indicators across 14 of the 17 official Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and covers 129 countries across all regions of the world. Each goal in the index is covered by three to five indicators“: “Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index„ (PDF (english), PDF Espanhol) 2019, EN, FR, ES
UNFPA-UNICEF: JOINT EVALUATION REPORT Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage in Mozambique em UNFPA,UNICEF 2019, EN
Making health training institutions gender-responsive: A Gender Audit Toolbox from Liberia shows how this can be done„ / Gender and health workforce bibliography BMZ, 2019, EN
Gender Factsheet Mozambique 2018 (Att.: contains outdated and secondary data);
USAID and Gender; Renewable Energy & Gender
USAID 2018, EN
“Gender in German Development” - Gender Knowledge Platform (Moçambique 2017: page 14) GIZ 2017,EN, (DE)
„O Empoderamento Sócio-económico das Mulheres em Moçambique“: Folheto; e breves videos: “Ser empreendedora em Moçambique: decisões, papéis, oportunidades„, “O empoderamento das mulheres em Moçambique: o caso do PESEDPESED, 2017, PT (+EN)
Documentos das Formações para Pessoas Focais de Género em Moçambique (Espaço interno/Actas)GIZ, 2014-2018, PT
GeraçãoBIZ:ESA Case Studies Brochure (English) Brochura sobre Boas Práticas na Saúde Reproductiva em Moçambique 2nd edition for GIZEstudos de Caso e Boas Praticas sobre Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva de jovens em Moçambique com enfoque na no género e monitoria. Good Practices on Sexual Reproductive Health in Moçambique with a focus on Gender Equality issues as well as monitoring and management mechanisms; official publication of the Mozambican multisectoral youth initiative GeraçãoBIZ (Ministries of Health, Education, Youth, Gender); with Health Focus and the support of GIZ:6) Second Edition (EN) GIZ, 2018, PT, EN
Governo de Moçambique: GeraçãoBIZ / raparigaBIZ – “Action for Girls and Young Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Mozambique„, UN Joint Programme Mozambique Report May 2016 – April 2017 MZ, UN, 2017, EN
Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues – Lessons from DAC Peer Reviews (mainstreaming: cross-cutting issues advancing gender equality and environmental sustainability)OECD, 2014, EN
„Audiovisuelle Diversität? Geschlechterdarstellungen in Film und FernsehenStudie der Universität Rostock2017, DE
GIZ: Urbanet - Gender in urban context2017…, DE
UNICEF Gender Stats Mozambique & Estudos da UNICEF-Moçambique UNICEF, EN, PT
How inclusive is inclusive business for women? - Examples from Asia and Latin AmericaADB/ENDEVA, 2016, EN
Replicating Eco-Inclusive Business ModelsSEED/ENDEVA, 2016, EN
Examples Gender Good Practices – documentation / publication on 2016'th gender week events, including gender competition and “Gender in the Agenda 2030” GIZ, 9/2016, EN
Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA em Moçambique (IMASIDA) Relatório de Indicadores Básicos 2015, incluindo dados relatívo à género e gravidez precoceMISAU, 8/2016, PT
TRANSFORM – The magazine for gender-responsive evaluation; UN Women, EN
Gender and FinanceMFW, EN
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner: Annual reports - Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights (incl. Gender) ONU
International Labour Organisation: Gender Mainstreaming in Local Economic Development Strategies ILO, 2010, EN
How digitization of payments, transfers, and remittances contributes to the G20 goals of broad-based economic growth, financial inclusion, and women’s economic empowerment BMF, WBG, 2014, EN
Gender Mainstreaming in Practice – Nine examples of good practice from four continents Brot für die Welt, 2010, EN
GIZ Gender Weeks e Gender Competition - projectos / ideias no mundo GIZ, 2015, 2016, 2017
EFA Global Monitoring Report GenderTeaching and Learning: achieving quality for all UNESCO, 2014/2015, EN
Powerful synergies – Gender Equality, Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability UNDP, 2012, EN
Os Impactos da Implementação dos Megaprojectos de Hidrocarbonetos na Promoção da Igualdade de Género e dos Direitos das Mulheres e das Raparigas em Cabo Delgado (Versão Resumida) UN Women / ONU Mulheres, UNICEF, AECID, AACID 2014
Gender and Property Rights: A Critical Issue in Urban Economic Development 2011, EN
Mozambique SPEED - Gender Integration Report (for USAID), (SPEED: Support Program for Economic and Enterprise Development) USAID, 2014, EN
Food Security Portal: Gender and Land in Mozambique: Who Holds the Power? EN
:!:Perfil de Género em Moçambique, (completo); Mozambique Gender Profile - Executive Summery 2/2016, PT/EN
UNECA Gender Country Profiles Mozambique 2016, EN
LEARNING SERIES #1 – Lauren Hendricks, CARE USA and Patrick Meagher, IRIS: Women’s Property Rights and Inheritance in Mozambique: Report of Research and Fieldwork CARE, IRIS, ¿2008?, EN
WOMEN’S ACCESS TO FINANCIAL SERVICES IN MOZAMBIQUE - REPORT - (Results from Qualitative Research Conducted in Maputo, Gaza, Tete and Nampula Provinces) for
UKAID, 01/2014, EN
UN Women - Gender-sensitive development cooperation hands-on: The success of gender-responsive budgeting and planning UN Women, 12/2012

Manuais / Guiões & IEC & Vídeo

Manual Handbooks Manuals, Guidelines, Videos

Titulo titleFonte, Data, Língua
source, lang/date
:!: Guião para língua inclusiva sensível ao género (PDF), Gov.PT, 2017/2009, PT
Guiões / Guidelines Género em Projectos/Programas e Avaliação/Monitoria: Gender and Social Protection, Gender-Based Violence Online EN, SIDA, 2019
EIGE / European Institute for Gender Equality: Gender-sensitive communication EN
Stereotypes illustrated on Instagram: "feminist" EN 
:!: Mari Cogswell (TEDxLaçador): Feminino, mulher e glossário de equidade7) (palestra filmado sobre linguagem sensível ao género) 2018, PT
(TEDxLaçador):escritora nigeriana Chimamanda Ngozi 2018, EN, PT
:!: Vídeos do Centro Cultural Moçambicano-Alemão no âmbito da semana de género da GIZ em Março 2021: Testemunhas e recomendações de mulheres para melhores - Women Economic EMpowerment and LGBTI+ in MozambiquePT (Subtitle EN), 2021
Handlungsempfehlung: Gender- und Diversity – sensible Kommunikation in Sprache und Bild; Gendersensible Didaktik; Gendersensible Sprache DE, 2014-2016
Filmes8) sobre Igualdade/Equidade de Género: Série Fala Direito Comigo: o que é isso, gênero?, ONU mulheres do Brasil: Igualdade de Gênero, ONU mulheres do Brasil: Empoderamento das Mulheres 2016-2019 PT
Guidelines for Gender Budgeting in Development Cooperation: A Selection of Tools and Approaches, GIZ/BMZ, 2017, EN
Tools and tactics for the LGBTI community in Sub-Saharan Africa security in-a-box, EN
Toolbox: Promoting equal participation in sustainable economic development” Toolbox, GIZ/BMZ, 2015, EN
Guidelines: Integrating HIV and Gender-Related Issues into Environmental Assessment in Eastern and Southern AfricaUNDP, 2012, EN
Nokaneng Aplicação para telemóvel contra violência baseada em género - troca de informações (em Lesotho) e alarmes; desenvolvido no âmbito de um programa da GIZ EN,
Cross-Cutting Themes in FIDA’S Development Cooperation - Mainstreaming Guidelines FIDA, 2011-2014, EN
Kit Pedagógico sobre género e juventudeEN
credit: caaloba, www.devianart.netUsar símbolos ♀ ♂ ⚥ ⚤ ⚣ ☿ e/ou Emojis relativo à igualdade de género Uso de Simbolos, Emojis Maio 2016; Símbolos de Género
calendars 2018-2020 for advocacy dates Calendários 2018 - 2020 para actividades relativo a HIV & Género: versão PDF e jpg para reproduzir em tamanho A1 (ou mais pequeno) - este calendário apoia escolher datas comemorativas para realizar actividades de advocacia, sensibilização e outros mais GIZ, PT/EN/FR
Participatory MethodsEN
mais material IEC: FilmesPT, EN
Filme de testemunhas relativo a Género em Moçambique com entrevistas de parceiros e colegas GIZ/MOZ, 2016, PT
Sustainable Gender Equality - a film about gender mainstreaming in practiceSKL Jämställdhet, 3/2016, EN
Testemunhas - filmes: Womens independence through work7billionothers, EN, vários
Filme: Fugões melhorando a saúdeGIZ/EnDev, 2016, PT
EnDev Bolivia: modern energy services in rural and peri-urban areas: Systematization of the 10 years of work of the EnDev project with emphasis on its contributions to gender equality. EN
Women for the energy sector: let’s inspire our young generation! 2019 (EN & FR GIZ EN/FR
Filme: Desafios da Inclusão Financeira nas zonas rurais em Moçambique GIZ/MZ, PT
Filme: Mulheres no transporte público (Brasil)PT
Filme: Mulheres e a Mudança Climatica PT
Filme: Testemunhas - Mudança Climatica e outros, várias ling.
A luta pela equidade de gênero – Joanna Burigo – TEDxLaçador PT
Série Fala Direito Comigo: o que é isso, gênero? PT
TV Brasil: Professor comenta a relação entre estereótipos e preconceito PT
A Vision of Feminist Peace by Amrit Kaur; Visions of Feminist Peace Watch artistic performances from the programme EN
How Did Tech Become So Male-Dominated? - Want to understand why it is important to develop technologies in a gender-sensitive way? EN
Women's Cafes, community-based platforms for workers, especially females, from the textile and leather industries, Us II: a video by GIZ Bangladesh EN
WOMEN’S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT among Afghanistan-Indonesia-Germany EN
Gender-Toolbox: Übungen, Gruppenspiele H.Böll-Stiftung, DE

Estratégias & Politicas

Politiken Strategies & Policies & Definitions

Titulo titleLíngua / Data lang/date
:!: Acordos, Estratégias, Políticas internacionais e regionais relativo a igualdade, equidade de género e contra VBG AU, UN; EN, FR, ES, PT
:!:EU Gender Action Plan (GAP III) 2021–2025 Factsheet & Gender Action Plan – putting women and girls' rights at the heart of the global recovery for a gender-equal world; :!:NOVO PLANO DE AÇÃO DA UNIÃO EUROPEIA EM MATÉRIA DE IGUALDADE DE GÉNERO EN; PT
Agenda de Desenvolvimento de África - Agenda2063 & Sustainable Development Goals - Agenda2030 / SDG AU, UN; EN, FR, ES
African Union - União da África – „African Union Gender Strategy“ (Draft 2: 2018-2027), AU 2018, EN
German Diversity Charter, Factsheet Charta der Vielfalt; EN
CEDAW – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women“ The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women“ (PDF) Mozambique. OHCHR, EN
GIZ Gender Strategy, Implementation, Genderweek and Gender: „ Gender reloaded - Gender reloaded: Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action“ and older. Gender Takes Centre Stage –„ at GIZ and in the Agenda 2030“ (GIZ, BMZ, UE)
pecisa-se senha DMSGIZ-DMS and GIZ Country-Genderstrategiespecisa-se senha DMS / Estrategias de Género
24/10/2016 + 2017, EN/DE (PT)
OECD/DAC- – The DAC Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET) is a subsidiary body of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC): About the GenderNet„ (OECD) ongoing, EN
BMZ – Development Policy Action Plan on Gender Equality 2016 – 2020, Roadmap, (Entwicklungspolitischer Aktionsplan zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter 2016 – 2020)3/2016, EN/DE
Género nos Programas – GIZ corporate strategic evaluation USE, DMS) 2016, EN/DE
Das Menschenrechtskonzept des BMZ DE
Women´s empowerment and the link to sustainable development” of the 60th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, taken place 14 – 24 March 2016 3/2016, EN
ONU/UN Security Council Resolution 1325Women, Peace and Security EN
UN Women - Gender Mainstreaming EN
WHO/OMS: What do we mean by “sex” and “gender”? EN
European Union - Strategy for equality between women and men; Legislation/ Directives EN
Estratégia de Género da Função Pública 2020-2024 em Moçambique (Boletim da Republica 129/2020) 2020, PT
Estratégia de Género na Função Pública 2009-2013 em Moçambique 2009, PT
UNECA: Recent Trends in National Mechanisms for Gender Equality in Africa 2011?, PT
Estratégia de Género no sector da Educação em Moçambique 2016-2019 (MINEDH)MINEDH: Plano Estratégico da Educação 2020-2029Por uma Educação Inclusiva, Patriótica e de Qualidade PT, 2020
Género na SADC EN
Violence against women - Intimate partner and sexual violence against women WHO / OMS, 01/2016
Entre a denúncia e o silêncio. (2009-2015); Análise da aplicação da Lei contra a Violência Doméstica: WLSA - Constrangimentos Institucionais e Culturais a experiencia dos tribunais.WLSA, 2016, PT
:!: Leis de Moçambique em relação a VBGViolência baseada em género (VBG), Assédio/Abuso Sexual e Casamento/Uniões Prematuras; Lei 19/2019 - União Prematura no BI 22/10/2019n°203 PT

HIV / WPP Bem Estar

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2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 7) , 8)
GIZ, Health Focus: M.Hanitzsch, C. Gélineau (Design) & S. Ferreira (Language)